Cookies information

I like biscuits :)

This website, owned by The Rabbit Stool di Filippo Rabito, with headquarters in Corso Cavour 10/A 25121 Brescia, Italy, VAT number 04424680983 CF RBTFPP91A13I533E, data controller pursuant to and for the purposes of the legislative decree of 30 June 2003 , n. 196 (“Privacy Code”), uses cookies and similar technologies. This information provides information on how cookies are used and how they can be controlled by the user.

The use of this website (and any other site managed by us) implies acceptance by the user of the use of cookies (and similar technologies) in accordance with this information. In particular, you accept the use of analysis, advertising, marketing and profiling cookies, functionality for the purposes described below.

If the user accepts profiling cookies, as identified below, these will be added to their profile already existing in our databases, if the user has given consent to marketing and profiling activities when joining one or more than the initiatives conducted by our site.

If the user does not intend to accept the use of cookies for analysis, advertising and profiling purposes, he has the possibility to change the setting of his browser according to the methods described in the "How to control and delete cookies" section.

What are cookies

Cookies are information saved on the hard disk of the user's terminal and which are sent by the user's browser to a Web server and which refer to the use of the network. Consequently, they allow you to know the services, the sites frequented and the options that have been revealed while browsing the net. In other words, cookies are small files, containing letters and numbers, which are downloaded to the user's computer or mobile device when they visit a website. Cookies are then sent back to the original site on each subsequent visit, or to a other website that recognizes these cookies. Cookies are useful because they allow a website to recognize your device.

This information is therefore not provided spontaneously and directly, but leaves traces of the user's online browsing.

Cookies perform various functions and allow you to navigate between pages efficiently, remembering user preferences and, more generally, improving your experience. They can also help ensure that the advertisements shown during navigation are of interest to you and that the marketing activities carried out comply with your preferences, avoiding unwelcome promotional initiatives or those not in line with the user's needs.

While browsing a site, the user can also receive cookies on his terminal which are sent from different sites or web servers (so-called "third parties"), on which some elements may reside (e.g. images, maps, sounds, specific links to pages of other domains) present on the site the user is visiting. There may therefore be:

  1. Direct cookies, sent directly from this site to the user's device

  2. Third-party cookies, coming from a third party but sent on our behalf. This site uses third-party cookies to help analyze our website and its use, and to enable targeted advertising (as described below)

Furthermore, depending on the purpose of use of cookies, these can be distinguished into:

  1. Technical cookies: they are used to allow the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network or to provide a service expressly requested by the user. They are not used for other purposes. In the category of technical cookies, the use of which does not require the user's consent, the following stand out:

    to. Navigation or session cookies: they guarantee normal navigation and use of the website (e.g. to authenticate and access reserved areas). The use of these cookies (which are not stored permanently on the user's device and are automatically deleted when the browser is closed) is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers (consisting of random numbers generated by the server) necessary to allow safe and efficient exploration of the site.

    b. Analytics cookies: they are used only to collect information in aggregate form on the number of users who visit the site and how they visit it

    c. Functionality cookies: they allow the user to navigate based on a series of selected criteria (e.g. language, products or services purchased) to improve the service provided to the user.

  2. Profiling cookies: are aimed at creating profiles relating to the user and used to send targeted promotional messages based on the preferences expressed while browsing the internet. These cookies can be used for these purposes only with the user's consent.

How cookies are used by this site

The following table summarizes how this site and third parties use cookies. These uses include the use of cookies to:

  • know the total number of visitors on an ongoing basis as well as the types of browsers (e.g. Firefox, Safari or Internet Explorer) and operating systems (e.g. Windows or Macintosh) used;

  • monitor the performance of the site, including how visitors use it, as well as to improve its functionality;

  • personalize and improve the online user experience;

  • allow user profiling, for targeted and personalized promotional purposes based on the preferences and interests expressed online by the user, by us and by third parties, both on this site and outside of it.

Which categories of cookies we use and how they can be managed by the user

The types of cookies used can be classified into one of the categories, shown below in the following table, which allows the user to give their consent or modify it (if previously expressed) to accept the various types of cookies:

Type of cookie

Purpose of the cookie


Action / Link

Essential website cookies (session and navigation)

These cookies are essential for correct navigation and to use the site's functions. These cookies do not collect personal information that can be used for marketing purposes, nor do they store the sites visited. The use of these cookies (which are not stored permanently on the user's device and are automatically deleted when the browser is closed) is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers (consisting of random numbers generated by the server) necessary to allow safe and efficient exploration of the site. This category of cookies cannot be deactivated.

Functionality cookies

These cookies allow us to remember choices you make (such as your username, language or geographic location) and provide improved and personalized features. The information collected by these cookies can be made anonymous and does not track your browsing activity on other websites. This category of cookies cannot be deactivated.

Cookie Analytics

These cookies, also cache cookies, are set by Google Analytics and are used to collect information on how visitors use the site, including the number of visitors, the sites of origin and the pages visited on our website . We use this information to compile reports and to improve our website; this allows us, for example, to know about any errors detected by users and to ensure immediate navigation, to easily find what they are looking for. In general, these cookies remain on the visitor's computer until they are deleted.

Google Analytics

privacy policy cookies

Advertising or profiling cookies

These cookies are used to collect information about the websites and individual pages visited by users, both on our site and outside of it (which may indicate, for example, interests or other characteristics of users). These cookies are used to provide advertising and commercial communications more relevant to the user's interests, profiling him. They are also used to limit the number of times an advertisement is shown and to measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. They remain on the user's computer until they are deleted and act as a reminder that the website has been visited. Furthermore, they can indicate whether the user reached our website via an advertising link.

This information is shared with other organizations such as advertisers and our contractors, who may use it together with information about how you use other websites, for example by identifying interests and behaviors common to different groups of users who visit the websites. our (and other) websites.

Technologies similar to cookies

As with many websites, we use technologies similar to cookies, including local shared objects (also known as “flash cookies”), browser history analytics, browser fingerprinting, and pixel tags (also known as “ web beacons”). These technologies provide us and our vendors with information about how the site and its content are used by visitors, and allow us to identify whether your computer or device has visited our or other sites in the past.

Our servers automatically collect your IP address; in this way, we can associate this address with the user's domain name or that of his Internet Provider. We may also collect certain “clickstream data” relating to your use of the Site. Clickstream data includes, for example, information relating to the user's computer or device, browser and operating system and related settings, the page of origin, the pages and contents viewed or clicked during the visit as well as the times and methods of such transactions, items you download, a site you visit after ours, and any search terms you enter on our site or a redirecting site.

How to control or delete cookies

The user has the right to choose whether or not to accept cookies. Below is some information on how to exercise this right. However, please note that by choosing to refuse cookies, the user may not be able to use all the features of the site and, if he has given consent to profiling on other occasions, the communications he receives may not be relevant to his interests. It should also be noted that if you choose to manage cookie preferences, our cookie management tool will still set a technical cookie on your device to allow us to execute the user's preferences. Deleting or removing cookies from the user device also involves the removal of the cookie relating to preferences; these choices will therefore have to be made again.

You can block cookies using the selection links in the table above. Alternatively, you can change your browser settings so that cookies cannot be stored on your device. To do this, you need to follow the instructions provided by your browser (usually found in the “Help”, “Tools or “Edit” menus). Deactivating a cookie or a category of cookies does not delete them from your browser. Therefore, this operation must be carried out directly in the browser.

For further information on cookies, including how to view those that have been set on your device, how to manage and delete them, visit and

Cookies set previously

If you have disabled one or more cookies, we will still be able to use the information collected before such disabling via preferences. However, from that moment on, we will stop using disabled cookies to collect further information.