Conditions of sale

These General Conditions of Sale concern the purchase made remotely via electronic network of the products present on the website, hereinafter referred to as the SITE. The site and its contents are the property of The Rabbit Stool di Rabito Filippo, based in BRESCIA, CORSO CAVOUR 10/A, 25121 - VAT number 04424680983 - CF RBTFPP91A13I533E, hereinafter referred to as The Rabbit Stool. Each purchase transaction will be governed by the provisions of Legislative Decree 185/99, Legislative Decree 206/05 and following. changes and with regard to the protection of confidentiality, will be subject to the legislation referred to in Legislative Decree 196/03 et seq. changes.
Access to and use of the website are governed by these conditions of use and imply acceptance of them.

Acceptance and compliance with these terms and conditions are binding and anyone who does not comply with these terms and conditions is therefore not permitted to access and use the site or download information material from it.


The Rabbit Stool may modify or simply update these Terms of Use, in whole or in part. Changes and updates to the Terms of Use will be binding as soon as they are published in this same section of the Site. The user is therefore required to regularly access this section to check the publication of the most recent and updated Terms of Use. Any addition or modification to this text will be identified by a precise and subsequent version number published at the top right of the Conditions of Use. Whenever the user orders products via the internet platform, the conditions in force from time to time will apply to the contract, without the need for express acceptance by the buyer.


The site and all its contents, such as trademarks, logos, icons, texts, etc., are the exclusive property of The Rabbit Stool or of any third parties such as suppliers and/or artisans who collaborate with The Rabbit Stool
They are protected by Italian and international copyright laws.
All distinctive signs that characterize the products sold on the SITE are registered trademarks of their respective manufacturers and are used within the site for the sole purpose of distinguishing, describing and advertising the products on sale.

The use of these trademarks that does not comply with the law and, as unauthorized, is prohibited and entails legal sanctions as it constitutes a violation of industrial property law. It is not permitted in any way to use these trademarks and any other distinctive sign present on the SITE to take undue advantage of the distinctive character or reputation of these trademarks or in such a way as to cause harm to them and their owners.


The Rabbit Stool has adopted every useful precaution in order to assure its users that the contents of this site are accurate and do not contain incorrect or outdated information, with respect to the date of their publication on the SITE and, as far as possible, even later. However, the Company does not assume any responsibility towards users for the accuracy and completeness of the contents published on the site, without prejudice to its liability for willful misconduct and gross negligence and except as otherwise provided by law.
You will be solely responsible for your use of the SITE and its contents. The Rabbit Stool and Rabito Filippo cannot, in any way, be held responsible for any use of the SITE and its contents that does not comply with current laws by each of its visitors, without prejudice to liability for willful misconduct and gross negligence.

The Rabbit Stool and Rabito Filippo are also not responsible for the malfunctioning of the site in the event of failure to connect to the Internet, hacker attack or problems related to the service or payment provider.
Those who access the SITE are responsible for equipping themselves with suitable antivirus and firewall protection, and release The Rabbit Stool from any liability for any damage resulting from viruses. The Rabbit Stool is also exonerated from any liability deriving from damaged files, errors, omissions, service interruptions, deletions of contents, problems connected to the network, providers or telephone and/or electronic connections, unauthorized access, alterations of data , to the failure and/or defective functioning of the user's electronic equipment.
The user is solely responsible for the custody and credentials that allow access to the reserved services that may be available on the SITE, as well as for any harmful consequence or prejudice that may arise against The Rabbit Stool and Rabito Filippo or third parties following the incorrect use, loss or theft of such credentials.
The Rabbit Stool has taken every precaution to prevent the publication on the website of contents which describe or represent scenes of physical or psychological violence or which, according to the sensitivity of the users, may be considered harmful to civil conventions, human rights and dignity. of people, in all its forms and expressions.
The Rabbit Stool will not transfer data relating to users to third parties except to judicial authorities in the event of fraudulent acts and inspections carried out by the police force.


ARTICLE 1 - Object of the contract

With this contract, respectively, The Ravvit Stool di Rabito Filippo sells and the Buyer purchases remotely via telematic tools only the goods indicated and offered for sale on the site . The contract between the seller and the Buyer is concluded exclusively through the internet by the Buyer accessing the address of this site, where, following the procedures indicated, the Buyer will formalize the proposal for the purchase of the goods offered for sale. The purchase contract is concluded with an irrevocable order by the Buyer with the completion and online submission of the order form, which will be displayed on the printable order summary web page, which contains the details of the orderer and of the order, the price of the purchased good and the shipping costs, the payment methods and terms, the address where the good will be delivered. When the Supplier receives the order from the Buyer, it will send a confirmation email and/or display a printable web page confirming and summarizing the order, which also contains the data entered by the buyer in the order form. The contract is considered perfected and effective between the parties only with the execution of the order and the related payment. The relevant invoice will be issued if requested and inserted in paper form inside the package containing the ordered products or, alternatively, in electronic form.

ARTICLE 2 - Pre-contractual information for the consumer - art. 49 of Legislative Decree 206/2005

Before concluding the purchase contract, the CUSTOMER examines the characteristics of the goods which are illustrated in the individual product sheets at the time of choice by the CUSTOMER.
Before the conclusion of the purchase contract and before the validation of the order with "payment obligation", the CUSTOMER declares to be informed about:

  • The total price of the goods including taxes, with details of shipping costs and any other costs;
    - Payment methods;
    - The deadline within which The Rabbit Stool  undertakes to deliver the goods
    - The conditions, terms and procedures for exercising the right of withdrawal and making the return;

ARTICLE 3 - Availability of products

Product availability refers to the actual availability at the time the CUSTOMER places the order. This availability must however be considered purely indicative because, due to the simultaneous presence on the site of multiple users, the products could be sold to other CUSTOMERS before the order is confirmed.
Even following the sending of the order confirmation email sent by The Rabbit Stool , there may be cases of partial or total unavailability of the goods. In this case, the order will be automatically corrected with the elimination of the unavailable product and the CUSTOMER will be immediately informed via e-mail.

If the CUSTOMER requests cancellation of the order, terminating the contract, Rabito Filippo will refund the amount paid within 14 days from the day on which The Rabbit Stool has been aware of the Customer's decision to terminate the contract.

ARTICLE 4 - Payment methods

Each payment by the CUSTOMER can be made with the Paypal, Satispay payment method and by credit card via the Shopify Payments circuit which supports the main credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Apple Pay).
Communications relating to payment and data communicated by the CUSTOMER when this is made take place on special lines protected with an SSL certificate. The security of credit card payments is guaranteed through certification.

ARTICLE 5 – Prices

All sales prices of the products indicated on The Rabbit Stool website they are expressed in Euros and include VAT.
The CUSTOMER accepts The Rabbit Stool 's right to modify its prices at any time, however the goods will be invoiced on the basis of the prices indicated on the site at the time of order confirmation. In the event of an IT, manual, technical or any other type of error that could lead to a substantial, unforeseen change in the retail price, which makes it exorbitant or clearly negligible, the purchase order will be considered invalid. and canceled and the amount paid by the CUSTOMER will be refunded within 14 days. from the day of cancellation.
Shipping costs are not included in the purchase price, but are indicated and calculated at the conclusion of the purchase process before making the payment.

ARTICLE 6 – Duties and taxes

Upon starting sales on markets other than the Italian one, the CUSTOMER assumes responsibility for ensuring that the product is legally imported into the destination country. When placing an order on The Rabbit Stool website, the recipient becomes the importer and must comply with all regulations and laws of the destination country. Orders shipped to countries outside the European Union may be subject to import taxes, duties and taxes in the destination country. The recipient of an international shipment may incur the above taxes, duties and taxes, which are applied once the package reaches the destination country. Any additional customs duties are the responsibility of the recipient; The Rabbit Stool  has no control over the fees and cannot predict their amount.

ARTICLE 7 – Shipping and deliveries

The Rabbit Stool shall not be held responsible for shipping delays caused by weather conditions, international customs issues, or other circumstances beyond its control.
Orders are processed for shipping as indicated in the appropriate section of the site .

ARTICLE 8 – Withdrawal, return and exchange

In accordance with the legal provisions in force, the CUSTOMER has the right to withdraw from the purchase without any penalty and without specifying the reason, within 14 days from the date of receipt of the products.
In the case of multiple purchases made by the CUSTOMER with a single order and delivered separately, the deadline of 14 days. starts from the date of actual receipt of the individual product.

For all information, refer to the specific sheet:

ARTICLE 9 - Legal guarantee of conformity

All products marketed are covered by the guarantee required by law both in relations with private individuals and for professional sales (therefore carried out to companies, companies, sole proprietorships or any VAT holder). In the event that repair of the product is not possible we will proceed with its replacement with an identical or compatible model.

The guarantee applies to the product that presents a lack of conformity, provided that it is used correctly, in compliance with its intended use. In the event of a lack of conformity, The Rabbit Stool provides, at no cost to the Customer (excluding transport costs), to restore the conformity of the product through repair/replacement until the problem is resolved.
In the event that, for any reason, it is not possible to replace a product under warranty (restored or replaced), you may proceed, subject to the Customer's consent, to replace the product itself (if still on the price list) or with another of equal characteristics and value. or, finally, the issue of a discount voucher for the same amount that can be spent on another product valid for 12 months from the time of issue.
No damage can be claimed for the time taken to carry out repairs or replacements of products under warranty or for any damage for loss of profit following the occurrence of a product defect.
Voluntary tampering with the products or common problems related to normal use and/or wear of the product excludes any form of guarantee.

ARTICLE 10 – Responsibility

The Rabbit Stool assumes no responsibility for disservices attributable to force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances, even if dependent on malfunctions and disservices of the internet network, in the event that it is unable to execute the order within the times established by the contract.

ARTICLE 11 - Access to the site

The CUSTOMER has the right to access the site for consultation and making purchases. No other use, especially commercial, of the site or its contents is permitted. The integrity of the elements of this site, whether audio or visual, and the related technology used remain the property of The Rabbit Stool di Rabito Filippo and are protected by intellectual property law.

ARTICLE 12 – Cookies

The Web site uses ''cookies''. Cookies are electronic files that record information relating to the CUSTOMER's navigation on the site (pages consulted, date and time of consultation, etc.) and which allow  to offer a personalized service to its customers.

You can find the information here:

ARTICLE 13 – Integrality

These General Conditions of Sale are made up of all the clauses that compose them. If one or more provisions of these General Conditions of Sale are considered invalid or declared as such pursuant to law, regulation or following a decision by a court having jurisdiction, the other provisions will continue to have full force and effect.

ARTICLE 14 - Applicable law and competent court

These General Conditions of Sale are subject to Italian law.
Any dispute that cannot find an amicable solution will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Brescia.
In any case, it is possible to optionally resort to the mediation procedures referred to in Legislative Decree 28/2010, for the resolution of any disputes arising in the interpretation and execution of these conditions of sale.